City of London Corporation - Local Government Pensions Board Vacancy


As part of the requirements of the Local Government Pensions Act 2013, the City Corporation established a Local Government Pensions Board (the Board) in 2015. The Board has a scrutiny role in ensuring the City Corporation remains fully compliant with all of the relevant regulations and legislation related to the Pensions Scheme, ensuring pensions are properly protected and managed.  


A vacancy has become available on the Board and there is an opportunity for a Scheme Member (whether a current employee paying into the Pension Scheme, a past employee with deferred benefits or a current pensioner) to apply for the role.  If you are interested in being considered for the role, please download the application form and return it by email to [email protected].   A letter,  job description and person specification are also available for download as additional background information. 


If you have any difficulty in submitting the application or require any additional information regarding the vacancy, please contact Chris Rumbles via email at [email protected].


The closing date for receipt of completed application forms is Friday 31st March 2023.


All applications will be reviewed by a Selection Panel. In the event that there are a number of suitable applicants, interviews will be arranged on a date to be confirmed.