The board must have an equal number of employer representatives and scheme member representatives. 

Scheme member and employer representatives are appointed to the board for a term of four years. The members of the board as at, October 2020 are as follows:

Employer representatives

  • John Averns
  • James Tumbridge (Chairman)
  • Mark Wheatley

Scheme member representatives

  • David Pearson
  • Christina McClellan
  • Martin Newnham (Deputy Chairman)

Board members can seek reappointment at the end of their term. Where a vacancy becomes available, and if you were interested in being considered as a scheme member representative, these would be advertised accordingly, and a recruitment process would follow.


Board Members can be contacted via the Committee Clerk, Chris Rumbles. His contact details are as follows:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: 0207 332 1405
  • Address: Town Clerk’s Department, Guildhall, London EC2P 2EJ