Local Pension Board
The role of the board is to assist the City of London Pension Fund comply with all the legislative requirements to ensure the scheme is being effectively and efficiently governed and managed.
The role of the board is to assist the City of London Pension Fund comply with all the legislative requirements to ensure the scheme is being effectively and efficiently governed and managed.
The board must have an equal number of employer representatives and scheme member representatives.
Scheme member and employer representatives are appointed to the board for a term of four years. The members of the board as at, October 2020 are as follows:
Board members can seek reappointment at the end of their term. Where a vacancy becomes available, and if you were interested in being considered as a scheme member representative, these would be advertised accordingly, and a recruitment process would follow.
Board Members can be contacted via the Committee Clerk, Chris Rumbles. His contact details are as follows: